La Ceiba was founded in the hands of the Garifuna people and the Pech Indians, under the shade of a gigantic ceiba tree, Ceiba pentandra, the mythical tree of the Maya. Although the tree and disappeared from the urban landscape, left her seated roots in the exuberant character of Ceibeños.

La Ceiba began to form in the early nineteenth century. Originally, it was a settlement of Garifunas and Pech Indians who were attracted by the wealth of their land. But the real impetus received with the arrival of the banana companies in recent years of the century and the first decades of the twentieth century. With them came the ships, railway and constant trade with New Orleans and Europe. Soon architecture was modified, modernized, and native cuisine merged with aromas and flavors foreigners. The city is still home to the offices of the Standard Fruit Company of Honduras, producing a variety of fruits for export, among which bananas, pineapple and grapefruit.

Today, La Ceiba is the third largest city in Honduras and, without doubt, the tourist capital. Its numerous natural attractions are in addition to the proximity and transport facilities to other popular destinations by visitors: Cayos Cochinos, Utila, Roatan, Guanaja, Cuero y Salado and La Mosquitia. All accessible by plane, boat or car.

La Ceiba offers what no other city in Honduras can offer: a lush virgin rainforest really mixing with cold cloud forests in the Pico Bonito National Park. also it has the Cangrejal river, as brash as rafting practiced on it and Zacate River, which dazzles with its emerald green color.

People in this city with a smile port supports the heat of the tropics. Any opportunity is good to go to the beach, spas or the many rivers that descend from the surrounding mountains. Under the shadow of the imposing mountain of Pico Bonito, the city vigorously lives to the rhythm of drums and Garifuna songs Guillermo Anderson. As if that were not enough, every May the best carnival in the country is held: The International Friendship Grand Carnaval (Carnival of La Ceiba, as we all know). Music is always present everywhere and if you really like to dance and have fun until dawn, the Carnival of La Ceiba is an invitation to explore the mysteries and temptations of “The Bride of Honduras”.

Life in La Ceiba is undoubtedly a reflection of its natural environment: magnificent, generous, sincere and spectacular. La Ceiba has a lot to offer, but it’s best you go and find out why this is and will be the gayest city of Honduras.



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